Friday, June 17, 2011

Ray Allen open to being 6th man

If coming off the bench means playing behind Jeff Green, Ray Allen is fine with that.
"To me, however I can help the team, it'll figure itself out,” Allen said. “One thing in regards to Jeff [Green] is, whatever I can do to make him better and to push him and play the best that he can. It's weird that guys have always looked at it like coming off the bench is such a bad thing. I know we went through the situation with [Allen] Iverson, he didn't want to come off the bench. But, you've always worried more about who finished games, but more importantly, when you're on a winning team, winning the game is the ultimate objective, so that's my primary concern.
“I want to win. I looked at our record this year. It was sad that we didn't get to 60 wins, and we should have had 60 wins, based on the games we lost, and that would have gave us home-court advantage throughout the whole playoffs, East and West."
Ray is a class act and see's the best way for the team to compete next year is letting the younger Jeff Green get more minutes. Its not who starts the game its who finishes the game and the way I see it the finishing lineup will look like this Rajon, Ray, Paul, Jeff, KG which is pretty darn good I think. I think this team has one more run in them as long as we get good backups that can help the veterans get rest. And we need a true backup to Rajon for real he can't keep playing 40mins a night.

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