Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Is this Guy the future Center of the Celtics

The Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League open rookie camp on Wednesday and don't believe they'll have the services of unsigned second-round draft pick Matt O'Donnell. The rumored hang-up? Interest in O'Donnell from the Boston Celtics. The Leader-Post of Saskatchewan explains: It's believed that O'Donnell has not signed because there has been some interest in the Canadian offensive tackle by the NBA's Boston Celtics. O'Donnell, who is listed at 340 pounds, hasn't played basketball since high school. O'Donnell and Hardaway could not be reached for comment Monday. 

I thought I heard everything but wow. The Celtics interested in a Offensive Lineman to be the teams possible Center of the future.  This kid hasn't played competitively since High School. Maybe the Celtics are hoping to hit a home run with this kid and he can be a huge defensive asset which the team was lacking once Perk was traded. I don't really like this move but you never know this could turn out to be a hidden gem.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tragedy on the 4th hole.....Turtle killed on impact

As I was playing golf today with my friends today a tragic accident was witnessed by all of us as a turtle was killed by a line drive shot to the shell by one us the persons name will remain anonymous. This turtle is believed by us to die on impact as once we saw the turtle it was dead.

PS: This turtle is survived by 8 other turtles who we saw throughout the day.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Rate this Brandon Merriweather Rap song

This has to be the worse rap song I have ever heard by anyone. Sorry Brandon this is just horrible. I guess this is what Brandon has been doing this whole lockout just writing horrible rap songs day and night. The song starts around 1min into the clip.He isn't the first one singing in the song but is the first rapper in it.

Blasphemy? Scottie Pippen says LeBron James may be better than Michael Jordan

USA Today:Pippen favorably compared James to his running mate on six Chicago Bulls NBA championships teams during ESPN2's Mike and Mike in the Morning Friday.
"Michael Jordan is probably the greatest scorer to ever play the game. I may go so far as saying LeBron James may be the greatest player to ever play the game," said Pippen, surprising even co-hosts Mike Greenberg and Chris Broussard.
Pippen's comment immediately blew up on Twitter, with Jordan fans screaming and James fans saying they agreed.
"That's foolish. I love the Heat but all this LeBron comparison to Michael Jordan is basketball HERESY!!!," tweeted @PhilipBixby.
RobertLloyd0814 tweeted LeBron at his @KingJames Twitter account: "This is your moment."
What are you thinking Scottie saying Lebron is better than MJ are you nuts. MJ has 6 championships and Lebron has none at the moment. I do get what Scottie is saying about overall game and such like Lebron is a great all around player from scoring to passing and defense. MJ is the best who ever walked the planet and from every standpoint when you needed something MJ would give it to you and more. Lebron still has the no clutch factor and defers to others which MJ would never do.

If this was a one on one game I do think in the end Lebron would beat MJ but it would be very close. Lebron would just win solely on his pure muscle and posting up MJ. But when it comes to who I want on my team in a big time game I'm taking Jordan all day and night.

Game 7

Hopefully this isn't going to be like last years debacle against the Flyers and the Bruins pull it out.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why is Bryce Harper still in Low A Ball?

His stats are off the chart and is destroying the pitchers in the South Atlantic League. How is he not in at least Advanced A Ball by now or even Double A? This kid is real deal he could probably play in the Bigs right now and hit. Harper is so nasty that his eyes were so bad that the Eye doctors didn't know how he could even hit before he got contact lenses like 3 weeks ago. Since then he has hit over .400. Did I mention he is only 18 years old still.

Did Idol cut out a kiss from Scotty to Lauren at the finale on purpose

This just draws more suspicion that there was young brewing romance flowing bewteen the two. How obvious was it that at the 45 sec mark they cut away when Lauren was about to lay a big juicy kiss on Scotty then Boom cut away to his family. Any more reasons why they weren't fucking each other through the 20 weeks they were together this year.

Is JCPenney stupid or something

Nice Ad JCPenney's  and the Lowell Sun I see someone watches hockey at your marketing firms and sports department. This is probably the biggest jinx that could happen to the Bruins they already have problems closing teams out and this just adds to the mess. Hey everyone come on down and get your Bruins gear now before the team actually wins you won't regret it.

PS: Posted this shit before Barstool 15mins before them. BOOM

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daisuke shows why everyone hates him

Way to be a team player you piece of shit. I'm going Japan I need to see a Japanese Doctor to see what he says on my elbow because I don't trust the best doctors in America. Dude you're screwed you need TJ surgery no ifs ands or buts. Your career in Boston is donezo too since your a piece of shit who could care less about being on this team. No one in the MLB will even want you on their team you will be lucky to get one year deal anywhere even if you do it will be on a suck ass team who will only bring you in to draw the Japan market.Why don't you just go back to Japan and pitch there since you care more about those teams than the Sox.

I can't believe we wasted so much money on this guy to bring him here. He had one good year and he was just lucky that year he barely pitched 5 innings but got wins just because of our offense.

PS: Where the hell was his stupid legendary Gyroball he supposedly had this whole time. Thats what I thought  no where.Lies

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

WWE tribute for The Macho Man

Great Farewell to one of the greatest Wrestlers ever. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Yeahhhhhhhh!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 trailer has me Mindfreaked

I'm not gonna lie I'm not huge fan of these types of games but mostly I suck at them not the mission and actual game play but the online component aspect of it I get killed every freakin' second I'm alive. Also, I'm more of a sports game player when it comes to video games. In the end this trailer has got me hooked that I might go out and get this game when it comes out.

Charlie Sheen and Snoop Dogg under the same house Big Brother style

Rapper Snoop Dogg is in talks to star in U.K. reality TV show "Celebrity Big Brother," according to reports.The hip-hop star has been invited to join a group of famous contestants inside the Big Brother house, where they will be banned from contacting the outside world.Speculation about Snoop joining the line-up was fueled when U.K. DJ Tim Westwood wrote in a post on Twitter.com, "They asked me to do Celebrity Big Brother. Snoop Dogg said they talkin' to him. If he goes in - I'm goin in! It'll be the Dawg House!"Madcap actor Charlie Sheen and businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed have also been tipped for the all-star show, according to Britain's Daily Star.

This show just got a whole lot interesting first off you have one of the best rappers of all time who likes to smoke whenever he has the chance and on the other hand you have Charlie Sheen who thinks he is winning at everything. What can be wrong here? Winning!

PS: The US version of Big Brother needs to step up its game and on the Celebrity root.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sickest Fake Birthday Ever!

Besides Chucky cheese who wouldn't want a Birthday at the Ninja Warrior training station in Cali. I know I would. Anyone else?

Russell Westbrook seriously thinks he is better than Durant

TV cameras caught Russell Westbrook yelling at Scott Brooks when he was yanked from Game 2, offering incontrovertible proof that he didn't like his coach's decision. What undoubtedly fueled Westbrook's fiery response is a sense of entitlement. As one Thunder veteran said, privately, "He thinks he's better than Kevin Durant." New York Daily News
Is Westbrook on crack on something does he really believe he is better than the Durant. Why would you even say this when your team has a chance to make it to NBA finals. This just shows how ignorant Westbrook is and he doesn't care about the team game. Just look at his stats your bes t player is Durant and he should be taking the most shots since he is a coverage nightmare on the floor but Westbrook is continually taking more shots and the team is losing because of this. I would love to see a 1 on 1 vs these two players and Durant will absolutely dominate him.

Doomsday prophet, followers ‘Flabbergasted’ world didn’t end

Camping must be shitting his pants right now that we didn't float into the air Saturday afternoon.I can't believe so many idiots believed this shit would actually happened it was one guy who had math equations he decoded from the Bible to make one date. It was the second time Camping predicted the rapture would happen and failed.If this 89 year minister wants to go to heaven so bad why doesn't he just die right now instead of some rapture thing he keeps predicting.So many people actually believed him and spent life savings to put up billboards to promote the event that never happened."Robert Fitzpatrick, who spent $140,000 of his life savings to advertise the rapture in New York, said he was dumbfounded when life went on as usual Saturday."  This is what you get for listening to a lunatic himself and being an idiot yourself to believe this shit.

PS: Now we wait for till the next doomsday prophecy of Dec 21, 2012.

Update: Camping now predicts October 21, 2011 for the rapture........Give it a break you old hag.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spud Webb still has hops at 47

I can't believe Spud can actually dunk he looks so out of shape for a 47 year old and he just showed us who gives a fuck how out of shape you are.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Red Sox-Cubs going old old school for tonight

These are the shirts and caps the Red Sox and Cubs will wear Saturday for their game at Fenway Park.Plain and simple fits the bill. At least the teams will go out in style in case this rapture does happen later tonight.

PS: The Red Sox are absolutely going to destroy these uniforms.

Friday, May 20, 2011

RIP Macho Man Randy Savage

TMZ – Macho Man Randy Savage — one of the most famous wrestlers of all-time — died today in a car accident in Tampa, Florida … TMZ has learned. TMZ spoke with Randy’s brother, Lanny Poffo, who tells us the wrestling legend suffered a heart attack while he was behind the wheel around 10 AM … and lost control of his vehicle. Savage was 58.

I can't believe he is gone. NOOOOOO! The Macho Man was one of the most entertaining wrestlers of All-Time. At least he can have all the Slim Jims he can imagine from here on out and he can finally reunite with his true love Miss Elizabeth. I'm gunna miss you big guy.

Oooohhhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhh Brother you can rest peacefully now.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Shaq opening another Cumberland Farms O wait he is golfing

If Shaq paid more attention to getting healthier for the season than doing stupid public relations events we probably still be in the Playoffs. By the way I think Shaq is worse at golf than Barkley and that is saying alot.

Man Baby present at Marlins Game(Announcer can't stop laughing at IT )

I guess this is the type of fans the Mets are getting now of days since the team sucks on a daily basis with no end in sight. Somebody needs to tell the Goonies that Sloth got out of his cage again and ran away to Queens.

A lot of reports are stating it was a Plastic mask but there is no way that is. It definitely looks likes real skin no questions ask.

Here are some still photos of the Creature at large.......

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The USSR was behind the Roswell Alien UFO

A new book just published states that Stalin is the one who started the alien invasion theories.According to Annie Jacobsen, the reporter who authored "Area 51," the spaceship was actually a Soviet Union spy plane that came down during a storm. Jacobsen claims it was filled with bizarre, genetically engineered child-sized pilots. Then Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was hoping, Jacobsen alleges, that the new cause widespread panic in the U.S.

The story gets even stranger that Stalin was so obsessed with "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast that he wanted to scare the United States so bad that Aliens were actually coming to attack the world.So in the end our government has spent probably billions of dollars in Area 51 for something that was a Soviet Spy plane and nothing more.

One More Last Hurrah for the Original Big 3 in 11-12

I know the C's look old and exhausted in the last series against the Heat but then again who doesn't when your over 33 years old . But I think this team can truly can win it all next year if they get some more help off the bench and get a reliable center via free agency or trade. I'm pretty we can as long we make sure we keep the Big 3 fresher going into the playoffs and try so hard to get the top 3 seeds in the playoffs next year. I wouldn't mind getting a 5 or 6 seed as long as it keeps everybody fresh. Just look at the Bulls in 97-98 they we're just as old and they won the championship on the backs of MJ, Scottie, and Rodman. Don't get me wrong MJ is the best player ever but I think the Celtics are a much deeper team than they were if we can configure the roster properly.

1.)Draft someone for once who will contribute in the 1st round instead of sitting them on the bench I.E Avery Bradley this kid can play look at the last game of reg season 20pts no joke.

2.)We desperately need a Defensive minded center after the K Perk trade that didn't quite work out for us in the end. Hopefully Shaq and Jermaine will retire but if I had to guess Jermaine won't since he has roughly 6million coming to him. Jermaine will probably be suited as the backup center playing roughly 10-12 mins a game.

3.) Resign Jeff Green, Big Baby (even though he sucked in the playoffs but he is better than that), Delonte West.

4.) Find a true backup PG for Rajon he can't play 40 plus mins a night all the time even though he is tough as rocks.

5.) Doc needs to be back and all signs he will at the present time!!!!!!!!!!!

My 2011-2012 Boston Celtics Roster


PG Rajon Rondo                                                      

SG Ray Allen

SF Paul Pierce


C Samuel Delembert or Kwame Brown (Both are Defense First and bring post toughness)

If Celtics can somehow get Greg Oden as a restricted FA and I mean real real cheap get him.


SF/PF Jeff Green (Must Sign!!!!!!!!!)

C/PF Glen Davis (If he is not signed look at Craig Smith)

PG/SG Delonte West

C Jermaine O'Neal

PG Avery Bradley

SG Michael Redd (He will be a steal coming off two years of barely playing)

C Nazr Mohammad

SF Josh Howard (Another steal in price coming off injuries)

The last two rosters spots will will be from the drafted players.

1st Round options                             2nd Round Options

PG/SG Reggie Jackson                     PF Jamie Skeen

PG Nolan Smith                               C Jeremy Tyler

PF JaJuan Johnson                           C Lucas Nogueira

C Jordan Williams                            SG Marshon Brooks

PG Josh Selby

I know this roster will most likely won't happen but I'm just trying to estimate how much each player will cost via Free agency.

PS: I'm kinda hoping for a lock out like 98-99 so there might be a only a half season again .This might keep are legs fresher for the post season run. GREEN and WHITE baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! Banner 18 11-12

It is that time again folks the wiffle ball season is upon us

It is that time again to bring out the wiffle ball equipment out of the basement.Nothing says a carefree sunny summer afternoon like a boozy wiffle ball game in the backyard, in the park, or on the beach. Even though it is shitty outside right now it doesn't hesitate me from showing this sick highlight reel of sick curves drifting all over the place left and right. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ex Ohio St and BC coach Jim O'Brien to coach Emerson

Don't look but Emerson is going to be a player in the Div III Tournament from here on out.This is a big step in his return to the big time going to coach Div III Emerson.
"We are extremely excited to have attracted someone with Jim's talent and experience to Emerson," athletic director Kristin Parnell said in a statement.
Wow hopefully O'Brien can take the program to the Great Northeast Atlantic Conference finals in his tenure because we all know this team can do it. I can't wait to see what type of talent the school will get now.

RIP Harmon "The Killer" Killebrew

"He's one of the great hitters of all time," Al Kaline, a Hall of Fame outfielder with the Detroit Tigers, told the Detroit Free Press in March. "He wasn't just a power hitter. Harmon was strong, but he had great hands and wrists and a great strike zone."
Harmon Killebrew, was known for his towering drives, hit 573 homers in 22 seasons that included an American League pennant with the Minnesota Twins in 1965 and a most valuable player award in 1969. One manager said he could hit the ball out of any park, 'including Yellowstone.' To me Killebrew is one of the most unheralded players of All-Time in the Major League history. When you ask people to name the best players of All Time his name rarely comes up. I think that is wrong just because he didn't hit for a high average or have flashiest glove in the world. Killebrew made plays when the Twins needed it the most.

Monday, May 16, 2011

YOOOOO Adrian!

The Sox are finally over .500 for the year watch out MLB the Red Sox are coming for your asses.

PS: The Yankees lost again HAHA.

Milan Soccer Star brings out his Michael Jackson impression

This guy has been holding in his gift to the world till Milan finally won the title. And when they did he whipped it out with moonwalk and all. Not to mention the Michael Jackson tribal scream to end it. This guy is no slouch he means business he has a sick tat on his neck so he must be the bad boy of the soccer Team or something. We can all hope for a championship next year to see what Kevin-Prince Boateng has in store.

RIP Teach Me How to Dougie Co-Founder M-Bone

Montae 'M Bone' Talbert of the 'Teach Me How to Dougie' famed group, Cali Swag District, has reportedly died, according to Radar Online.
Although authorities have yet to confirm the victim's name, it is believed that the young man fatally shot Sunday evening outside of an LA liquor store was, in fact, Talbert. A gun fight between to vehicles reportedly broke out before Talbert, 22, who was in one of the vehicles, was fatally wounded.
Speculation of Talbert's death was further substantiated when fellow Cali Swag District member, Smoove, tweeted, "Ma life changed drastically in the. Blink of an eye rip mbone."
This is so shocking the group was just in Lowell two days ago performing "Teach Me How to Dougie". Now every time we bring out the Dougie we will remember M Bone and the song he created to the now famous Dougie dance move.

Cali Swag District - Teach Me How To Dougie found on Hip-Hop

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Time again for all those fake Bruins to come out again tonight

I'm being honest I hate hockey and I don't change my opinion just because it is playoff time. It bothers me when no one watches a single game of any sport and just decides to watch a team for playoffs. They have no idea who is on the team but they think they know. I watched like one bruins game this whole season and I can name 95% of the roster and I could give two shits and people who are fake know like one person and they think they know the whole team. I am rooting for the Bruins since the Celtics were eliminated but I'm not posing as a fake fan like people will.

"Look at me everyone I love hockey".Lies Lies Lies to almost 90% of people watching the game tonight.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reggie Bush challenges Skip Bayless to weightlifting duel

Just because your going to be out on the street soon doesn't mean you can issue a challenge to someone twice your age. Here are the Tweets.......

Reggie seriously you want to battle a 60 year old out of shape sportswriter to football conditioning test. Real Mature no wonder Kim Kardashian broke up with you. YOUR A BABY.

PS: I don't think Reggie knows this but Skip is secretly a steroid induced chiseled machine. He is one big fighting machine.Look at those Guns!

Gone Baby Gone......

If anyone knows the location of Glen "Big Baby" Davis can you tell him he has a game he needs to show up to tonight against the Heat for once. If not tell him it was a great season until he vanished for the last 4 games.Big Baby seriously needs to get act together he should be scoring double figures every night he is by far the best bench player for both teams besides D West and he is not taking full advantage of it he is taking horrible jump shots every time and air balling them half the time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How many people want to punch Chris Bosh besides me?

Is it just me or is it like every time Bosh makes one shot he thinks he won the game. Dude no one likes you. If I see him jump around and scream like he won the game after a simple jump shot or layup I will punch my TV.  If I had to guess the reason why Bosh does this is because he wants the attention since no likes him and the Heat are basically LeBron and D-Wade and everyone else. Who admits on national TV your nervous after a game just admit you suck and only reason why you gets points is your open half the time since basically everyone in the league double teams James and Wade whenever they have the ball.

PS:I thought Pau Gasol was ugly mother fucker but after seeing Chris Bosh more and more he is definitely getting up there.

Double PS: This is probably why Bosh was scared he saw KG's tribal scream and was like Mommy come help me I'm scared KG will hurt me.

How Creepy is Andrei Kirilenko's new tattoo?

I can't even explain it. I have no idea wtf it even is. It looks like some sort of bat creature.Why would you even get that type of tattoo on you? Look at me everyone I have a sick tattoo on my back that no one knows what it is except me.

If Kirilenko wanted a tattoo so Bad it would of been cool to get a AK47 somewhere since that is his nickname. But who am I to tell him what he wants for a tattoo. If AK wants a some creepy creature on his back for the rest of his life good for him if not you just wasted probably like 3G's on that on crap.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Go home Lakers its about fuckin Time You Big Babies

I have never seen such unsportsmanlike conduct in the bball game ever. The Lakers must feel that it is not a NBA season if their not in the finals or something.

First off who does Lamar Odom think is he trying to push Dirk down. It's not our fault Lamar you married an Elephant.

Secondly why the hell would Bynum forearm a player over 100 pds less than him while he is in the air. Maybe Bynum was just pissed off because someone from Northeastern can ball better than him or something.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Charles Barkely sucking at golf once again

That's just turrible just turrible. Barkley has probably the worst golf shot of all time and he can't even get the ball further than the head of the driver when he broke it. Chuck I think it is time for you to give up the game of golf it is just not working out for you. It seems every time we see you on the golf course you're getting worse not better.

MTV finally gives in to the baby aka "The Situation" and gives him his own show

I use to like the Situation when the show started but the more I see him the more I hate him now. He is so fucking annoying......Dude no one wants to see your Ab's anymore. Get over your self. The only reason why girls are fucking you is not for your Ab's it's so they will be seen on TV idiot.

I'm the Situation I get so many girls and rape them every night blah blah. In all honesty half the time when he does get girls none of them are even hot or he goes after Vinny's sloppy seconds.

After MTV gave Pauly D, Snooki, and J-Wow their own I guess Mike became whiny towards MTV that he deserved his own but in all honesty I don't understand what the hell the show would be about. At least Pauly D said his show would be about his DJ career and Snooki looking for love. As for J-Wow shes in the same boat as the Sitch what the fuck would her show be about seriously.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Red Sox fan gets speared by Security guard

That's what you get! You don't ever run on a baseball field especially in Fenway Park. Since the lockout happened Patriots players have been hired as security guards I guess.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

John Cena Announces Bin Laden's death

John Cena Announces Osama Bin Laden's Death To Crowd - Watch more Sports
Whats better than the Marine himself telling the WWE community Osama Bin Laden is finally dead then Cena. CENA CENA CENA!!!!!!  AMERICA RULES....................THE END

Osama you've been FU'd

Monday, May 2, 2011

Patriots draft Recap

All I have to say this might of been the worse draft in the history of Bill Belichick. We took player after player that should have no been drafted where they were. Many of the players we selected I agree with taking but not at the spots they were especially when there were better players out there in need areas such as pass rushers and big body WR's.

I don't understand why we took back to back RB's in the 2nd and 3rd rd respectively. Running back is not a glaring weakness on this team especially after last season. Running backs are a dime a dozen that basically found on the streets and can be plugged in overnight.

The only pick I honestly loved was the Ryan Mallett pick how can not pick him in the third round after he was supposedly suppose to be 1st round pick. Even if Ryan Mallett never plays a snap with the Patriots he could conceivably get us some draft picks in the future based on learning from Brady.

Lastly, how do the Patriots not pick Mark Herzlich seriously he would of been a welcomed commodity in the locker room with his leadership quality and his great attitude Herzlich can alsoplay any linebacker position on the field and Bill loves versatility.In all seriously if the Pats wanted that non-starter CB from TCU you could of waited til you could sign undrafted FA's he would of been available I highly doubt Malcolm Williams would have been drafted. He barely played on the Horned Frogs. I'm praying to God once undrafted Free agents can sign that the Patriots will sign Mark..........Do you hear me Bill sign Mark! You won't regret it.
How can you pass up that intensity...............