Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One More Last Hurrah for the Original Big 3 in 11-12

I know the C's look old and exhausted in the last series against the Heat but then again who doesn't when your over 33 years old . But I think this team can truly can win it all next year if they get some more help off the bench and get a reliable center via free agency or trade. I'm pretty we can as long we make sure we keep the Big 3 fresher going into the playoffs and try so hard to get the top 3 seeds in the playoffs next year. I wouldn't mind getting a 5 or 6 seed as long as it keeps everybody fresh. Just look at the Bulls in 97-98 they we're just as old and they won the championship on the backs of MJ, Scottie, and Rodman. Don't get me wrong MJ is the best player ever but I think the Celtics are a much deeper team than they were if we can configure the roster properly.

1.)Draft someone for once who will contribute in the 1st round instead of sitting them on the bench I.E Avery Bradley this kid can play look at the last game of reg season 20pts no joke.

2.)We desperately need a Defensive minded center after the K Perk trade that didn't quite work out for us in the end. Hopefully Shaq and Jermaine will retire but if I had to guess Jermaine won't since he has roughly 6million coming to him. Jermaine will probably be suited as the backup center playing roughly 10-12 mins a game.

3.) Resign Jeff Green, Big Baby (even though he sucked in the playoffs but he is better than that), Delonte West.

4.) Find a true backup PG for Rajon he can't play 40 plus mins a night all the time even though he is tough as rocks.

5.) Doc needs to be back and all signs he will at the present time!!!!!!!!!!!

My 2011-2012 Boston Celtics Roster


PG Rajon Rondo                                                      

SG Ray Allen

SF Paul Pierce


C Samuel Delembert or Kwame Brown (Both are Defense First and bring post toughness)

If Celtics can somehow get Greg Oden as a restricted FA and I mean real real cheap get him.


SF/PF Jeff Green (Must Sign!!!!!!!!!)

C/PF Glen Davis (If he is not signed look at Craig Smith)

PG/SG Delonte West

C Jermaine O'Neal

PG Avery Bradley

SG Michael Redd (He will be a steal coming off two years of barely playing)

C Nazr Mohammad

SF Josh Howard (Another steal in price coming off injuries)

The last two rosters spots will will be from the drafted players.

1st Round options                             2nd Round Options

PG/SG Reggie Jackson                     PF Jamie Skeen

PG Nolan Smith                               C Jeremy Tyler

PF JaJuan Johnson                           C Lucas Nogueira

C Jordan Williams                            SG Marshon Brooks

PG Josh Selby

I know this roster will most likely won't happen but I'm just trying to estimate how much each player will cost via Free agency.

PS: I'm kinda hoping for a lock out like 98-99 so there might be a only a half season again .This might keep are legs fresher for the post season run. GREEN and WHITE baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! Banner 18 11-12

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