Monday, August 1, 2011

Erik Aybar is the biggest bush league player in Baseball

You don't bunt that late in a game when a pitcher as a no hitter.Verlander was going for his second no hitter of the season and third of his career. This isn't Aybar first time trying to bunt his way on during a no hit he has done this before . I remember earlier this season Josh Beckett had a no hitter against the Angels into the sixth and this piece of shit tried bunting on us.

"Very surprised," Verlander said of the bunt attempt. "It's a three-run game. It's a close game. There's arguments both ways, but obviously from a pitching standpoint, we like to call it bush league. But there's arguments on both sides of it."

Said Aybar:
"That's my game—I don't have power," he said. "(Verlander) told me he'd get me next year, and I said that was OK."

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