Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MLB needs to lifetime ban AROID's ass right now

CHICAGO -- Major League Baseball is taking "very seriously" the allegations that Alex Rodriguez took part in some illegal, underground poker games, one of which reportedly turned violent, and he could face suspension if his participation in the games is confirmed.
"We take this very seriously and have been investigating this matter since the initial allegation," MLB said in a statement. "As part of the investigation, the commissioner's office will interview Mr. Rodriguez."
An MLB executive, speaking to on condition of anonymity, indicated that Rodriguez could miss games if the investigation proves he was at the poker games.
"We're talking to people involved in the investigation and we're taking this very seriously," he said. "Because he had been warned about this before, I would say a possible suspension would be very much in play." ESPN

How many things does this guy have to do to disgrace the game? First it's steroids now it's illegal poker gambling involving cocaine and violent crime. ARod needs to be suspended for 2 years if not a lifetime ban for what he has done to the game of baseball. I don't think anyone will miss him he has done nothing that anyone likes about him ever since he left Seattle when he was the most popular player in the game but since then he has taken a dive into the shit bin and he has not gotten out since and this just makes it more unlikely he will be be entered the HOF whenever he retires.

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